Architecture of EVE

EVE seperates models and services from the modeling tool itself. Models residing in arbitrary (UML) modeling tools are extracted and transformed into correct XMI representations. These models can be processed further or displayed through individual views.

The basic components of the framework are:

Models based on a MOF compliant metamodel can be handled by EVE because EVE is based on the Netbeans MDR metadata repository.

Artifacts means all data that does not represent a model instance. If services intend to cooperate on the content of the artifact, than the artifact must be modeled, i.e. expressed as a model instance and embedded into the model that is passed around. Otherwise the services must be define a private, proprietary communication channel.

Plugs are translating model instances into proper XMI because modeling tools handle and store model instances in different propriety formats. After translation the models are standarized and can be used. Plugs are the connection between modeling tools and the framework.

Services define functionaly that can be applied to model instances like validation, evolution and artifact synchronization.

Views are components for imediate visual presentation of models and system or service feedback in form of a HTML page, an error report etc. Views are also used to monitor the status of the EVE network, as users must be able to determine which services are available.